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Statement on Preservation of Amenity in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Electricity Act 1989


Freasdail Energy Ltd holds an electricity generation licence and has a duty under Schedule 9 of The Electricity Act 1989 to have regard to the preservation of amenity. The statement which follows explains how we will carry out the duties under the Order. This requires the relevant licence holder to take account of the effects the proposals would have on the natural beauty of the countryside, on any flora, fauna, buildings or objects of historical interest and sites and structures of archaeological interest. It is also required to take steps to mitigate the effects on amenity.


Freasdail Energy Ltd owns and operates the 22.55MW Freasdail Wind Farm located near Tarbert, in Argyll. The wind farm received planning permission in April 2014, and construction commenced in October 2015 and the wind farm became operational in 2017. The wind farm first exported electricity in May 2017. The wind farm is connected to the National Grid substation at Crossaig by a 33kV underground cable.

Statutory Requirements

The Electricity Act 1989 (as amended) places obligations on a licence holder or a person authorised by exemption to generate electricity to consider the preservation of amenity and fisheries (as applicable) under Schedule 9.

Environmental Assessment

Environmental assessments had been carried out prior to developing the proposal for the underground line required for the Freasdail Wind Farm.

Seek to minimise the impact of infrastructure

We will seek to minimise the effects of infrastructure on areas valued for their amenity. Where any works required during the operational phase  are likely to have an adverse effect on amenity, we will carry out our activities in such a way as to reduce the impact of these activities to the practical minimum.

Audits and planning condition compliance

We will carry out health, safety and environmental audits in accordance with our company standard, and will continue to comply with planning conditions during the life time of the wind farm.

Training and awareness

We will promote environmental awareness amongst staff through appropriate training and dissemination of information. We will also make contractors aware of the relevant parts of this statement.


We intend to review our Schedule 9 statement every five years or following major change to legislation or our business. Where appropriate we will consult with relevant stakeholders during the review process.